Zero Waste Week: Move to sustainable packaging

Is your company ready to embrace cleaner, greener, and more sustainable packaging?

This week is Zero Waste Week (2-6 September), an opportunity to assess your wasteful packaging products, and to improve your sustainability.

What is Zero Waste Week?

Launched in 2008, Zero Waste Week is an annual campaign to help reduce landfill waste so we can save money, preserve resources, and protect the environment.

The campaign aims to make people aware of the incremental changes they can make to reduce the waste we produce – and that includes companies and assessing the packaging for their products.

It is estimated that in 2021, each person living in the EU generated 188.7kg of packaging waste, with plastic accounting for 19 per cent of it.

And we all know just how bad plastics can be for the environment. They take hundreds of years to break down, pose a risk to wildlife, and spread toxins.

Environmentally friendly

Customers increasingly want to move away from plastic and are demanding more eco-friendly and sustainable materials for their packaging.

They want brands to help them become more environmentally friendly in their everyday lives, and they are increasingly buying more environmentally friendly products.

Increasingly it makes commercial sense for brands to move to more sustainable plastic-free alternative packaging.

Sustainable packaging

At Goodyear Packaging we can help you do just that.

We can help you to assess your packaging requirements and reengineer your products to become more sustainable, reduce your plastic packaging and protect our planet.

For instance, we offer pulp paper trays as alternatives to plastic vac forms. If you want to protect our forests then we have low carbon agrofibre paper.

Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint and transport costs? Then talk to us about our mono material recyclable refill pouches.

So whether you want to reduce the use of plastics in your packaging, reduce your carbon footprint, make your packaging more recyclable, or you just want to see where packaging trends are heading, contact us to find out more.