Reflections on the Paris Olympics

Challenges, Achievements, and the Purple Printing Conundrum

The Paris Olympics concluded two weeks ago. Every day in the news, there are community events that allow athletes to interact with citizens. On TV, they replay the exciting highlights of the Olympics.

Watching the world’s best sportsmen and women putting together years of hard work, preparation, and planning to achieve their goals was brilliant to watch.

It won’t all have been plain sailing, and each athlete will have overcome their own challenges and obstacles to make it to Paris.

And the eye-catching sight of the first-ever purple athletics track to be used in an Olympic Games got me thinking about the challenges and obstacles we have to overcome in the printing world.

One of those challenges is in handling purple.

In printing, there’s a margin for colour variation within a range of plus or minus 10%.

Typically, main colours such as red, blue, and yellow in four-color prints display minimal deviation within this range.

The challenge arises when these colours combine, as even a slight numerical difference can lead to distinct visual variations, with purple presenting the most challenges.

A bit less blue and it warms up; a hint less red and it cools down.

But, as the thousands of athletes competing at the Olympics have shown us, challenges are there to be overcome – and Goodyear Packaging is just the team to help you do that.

At Goodyear Packaging, we have years of experience working with brands and designers and we relish the challenge of helping them achieve their vision.

We are a one-stop destination for your sustainable printing and packaging requirements.

And if purple is that season’s trend, or if purple is your chosen branding colour, we will work with you to ensure the results are worthy of a gold-medal.

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