With a team of over 50 experienced packaging engineers, trust Goodyear to create the structural design that’s needed to adequately protect your product. We’ll ensure your product not only stands out on store shelves with an attractive presentation but also meets your sustainability goals. Goodyear prides itself on providing sustainable, elegant, and financially viable packaging options that satisfy both your marketing and purchasing teams.

Package Engineering for Cost Reduction

Save money by reducing a number of factors that can drive costs


  • Preventing damage is critical when engineering a package. Rigorous drop & ship testing ensures that the solution will work well from the loading dock to the store shelf.
  • Complicated, over-engineered boxes and packaging may be driving unnecessary cost. Goodyear will analyse your product and suggest size, standard configurations and material changes to reduce costs.
  • Engineering changes can even help increase efficiencies on the production floor and at the store level. We’ve helped reduce the amount of time that your employees need for packing out products, while making it as easy as possible for your products to hit the shelves once they arrive, with minimal retailer effort.
Packaging Engineering
Sustainable Packaging Engineering

Seeing Opportunities in Package Engineering Challenges

Think of the engineering team at Goodyear as top notch problem solvers

Visualizing a product in its packaging is a crucial part of the marketing process. There’s a lot to be said for being able to touch a package, read its message and fall in love with its design. As one of the leading packaging company in the world, product manufacturers rely on Goodyear for their knowledge and experience in creating stunning pieces that bring your concept to reality.